Amitabh Bachchan will start shooting for movie ‘Bhootnath 2’, a sequel to 2008 movie ‘Bhootnath’, Wednesday. The 70-year-old, who was last seen in ‘Satyagraha’ will reprise his role as a friendly ghost in the movie. The actor shared the update via micro blogging site Twitter.
"Another new film `Bhootnath 2` starts today and as my make up Deepak Sawant would say `ek aur meter down ho gaya` (another meter down),"
Big B posted in the early hours of Wednesday. Even after so many years in film, Big B is nervous before starting a fresh project.
"Then there is the look test for `Bhootnath 2` starting shoot tomorrow. First day of new projects are such a fright! `Bhootnath`," he added.
‘Bhootnath 2’ will be directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by T-Series. It is expected to release in summer 2014.