Priyanka Chopra's much looked for item number in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram-Leela has finally been revealed and it doesn't disappoint. Ram Chahe Leela stars the Zanjeer actress as a nautch girl, gyrating in a white choli and dhoti-style skirt, a tattoo on her exposed rib-cage and a jeweled ring in her belly button.
Watched by an appreciative Ranveer Singh who plays Ram, Priyanka sings: Inka toh funda hai simpla sa yaar, goli maaro toh panga, aankh maaro toh pyaar (a bullet means feud, a wink means love).
Priyanka's sensuous moves are punctuated with shots of Deepika Padukone, who plays the very explosive Leela, wielding a pistol. Ram Chahe Leela is sung by Bhoomi Trivedi with lyrics by Siddharth-Garima and music by Sanjay Leela Bhansali himself, who also composed the music for his 2010 film Guzaarish.